Leading Aircraftman Cecil Teys, the son of Andrew Teys and Catherine Anne Teys, was born at Goondiwindi in Queensland on 17th June 1920. He was educated at the Newtown State School during the years 1932 and 1933. He then attended the Toowoomba Grammar School where he completed the Junior Public Examination in 1935. After leaving school he entered employment as an Apprentice Fitter & Turner. He applied for aircrew training in the Royal Australian Air Force on 9th December 1939. At the time of his application he was unmarried, employed as an Apprentice Fitter & Turner with Sargeants Ltd., Alice Street, Brisbane and residing with his family at Clara Street, Corinda, Brisbane. He had completed 20 hours of dual flying training and 50 hours of solo flying with Matherson Aviation Co., Ltd.
Leading Aircraftman Cecil Teys was enrolled in the Reserve of the R.A.A.F. on 1st April 1941 after swearing an oath of allegiance and he was issued Reserve Badge No. 12646. At the age of 21 years he was enlisted in the Citizen Air Force of the R.A.A.F. at No. 3 Recruiting Centre in Brisbane on 22nd June 1941 after giving an undertaking that he would serve for the duration of the war and an additional twelve months. He was allotted the service number of 405945 and joined No. 3 Initial Training School at Sandgate in Queensland on 22nd June 1941 where he trained in the basics of service life. He joined No. 2 Elementary Flying Training School at Archerfield in Queensland on 18th September 1941. He joined No. 2 Embarkation Depot at Bradfield Park in New South Wales on 14th November 1941. He joined Headquarters R.A.A.F. Station Richmond in New South Wales on 26th December 1941.
Leading Aircraftman Cecil Teys joined No. 5 Elementary Flying Training School at Narromine in New South Wales on 22nd February 1942. He joined No. 5 Service Flying Training School at Uranquinty in New South Wales on 8th March 1942. He was killed in an aircraft accident at Uranquinty on 3rd July 1942 when the Wirraway A20-552 on an instrument flying exercise spun out of control near Mangoplah Road approximately 4.2 miles southeast of Uranquinty. He was a passenger in the aircraft at the time of the crash. At the time of his death Cecil Teys was 22 years of age. He was buried in the Wagga Wagga General Cemetery on 6th July 1942 and both of his parents were present at his funeral.
Leading Aircraftman Cecil Teys name is commemorated on Panel No.117 at the Australian War Memorial in Canberra and locally on the Toowoomba Grammar School World War 2 Honour Board.

Australian War Memorial photograph AC0139 – A Wirraway aircraft.
Toowoomba Grammar School archive records show that he enrolled as a day student on 30th January 1934 and left the School on 5th May 1936. His parent was shown as Mr Andrew Teys of Newtown. He passed the Junior examination in six subjects in 1935 and participated in Shooting.